Standard Functions

User Tips

Brand-new user tips can help new users get familiar with and start using BizNavi as soon as possible.


In CRM, project management and recruiting modules, a new quick build mechanism is applied: you don’t need to leave the Kanban view

Authority management

HR-related permissions can be set separately in different modules: including recruitment, timetable, evaluation, leave, and expenses​

Planning tool

Implemented a brand new planning tool in the eCommerce module. Existing planning tools were improved. Planning can now be done individually for different companies.

Simplify settings

The form about company settings has been moved to the settings menu of related modules.

File import

Improved file import tool: automatic detection of date, language and floating-point data formats, and filtering of target fields based on data values.

Development mode

Added new features in the improved developer mode,
Log in in the settings mod.

Multi-company feature

The multi-company environment and login authority simplifies the setting method, and company switching can be performed in the top menu.




All mods have applied the new API (the old API code has been deprecated), and the running speed of all mods has been accelerated accordingly.


Due to the application of QWeb, the improvement of page caching technology and controller code, the loading speed of web pages has been greatly improved.

Backend enhancements

A large number of back-end performance enhancements: breadcrumb navigation, view caching, reducing RPC calls, JS caching, and CSS code reduction.


Fast execution of QWeb templates (from 2x to 5x), some speed enhancements in financial statements.


BizNavi configuration

New Design

Customize table and list view: add columns, customize column familiarity, add widgets.

Customization of Reports

Online modification can be performed directly, or the QWeb report view can be modified through the integrated XML editor.

Automatic action

Business logic and automated tasks can be added without development.

